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Industry Hub

Northern Tasmania's tourism and major events economy is continuing to grow and develop and we are here to provide support to the local businesses and organisations who are at the core of the industry.

Industry updates, support and opportunities

Join our industry Facebook group and mailing list to stay connected

Join our private industry Facebook group and sign up to our mailing list to stay in the loop about what's happening in the region.

Contact us

Give us a call on 0419 133 755 or email us directly at admin@visitnorthtas.org.au.

Industry Resources, Support, Training and Grant Opportunities

Learn what industry support and grant opportunities are currently available.

Australian Tourism Data Warehouse (ATDW)

Register your business or event on ATDW to unlock free marketing exposure and opportunities through all major national, state and local tourism websites including Tourism Australia, Discover Tasmania and Visit Northern Tasmania.

Tasmania’s 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy

Tasmania’s 2030 Visitor Economy Strategy provides a collective longer-term vision through to 2030. The strategy is a plan for growth and a plan to manage growth sustainability, ensuring that the visitor economy continues to have a positive impact on our environment, economy and way of life.

Tourism Tasmania Visitor Statistics

See Tourism Tasmania's quarterly Tourism Snapshot contains a summary of the latest Tasmanian Visitor Survey (TVS) results, along with additional data from Tourism Research Australia for the year ending March 2022.

2023 Tasmanian Tourism Awards Results

What a great night for Northern Tasmania at the 2023 Tasmanian Tourism Awards Gala in Hobart! We are still basking in the glow of seeing so many of our operators in the North take out gold, silver and bronze across 23 categories!

Digital Ready Program

4 hours free digital coaching for your business. The coaching sessions are one-on-one between business owners and our skilled coaches, run for up to 4 hours and are free of charge

The Van Diemen Project

Through the support of the Australian Government, The Van Diemen Project delivers the Australian Small Business Advisory Service – a subsidised program where you can access advice, events, and resources to help small to medium businesses in our region scale and sustain for the future.

Aboriginal Launceston

Believed to the be the first website of its kind within Australia, Aboriginal Launceston shares the the Indigenous history of Launceston and the Stoney Creek people who lived in the Tamar Valley for a thousand generations.

Careers in Hospitality and Tourism

Discover a career that is more than welcome. In Tasmania, we're surrounded by amazing produce, people and places. It's a huge part of what we know and love about our island state, and it creates endless career opportunities.

Tasmania Tourism and Hospitality Jobs

An online portal launched to boost awareness of opportunities to work in the tourism and hospitality sectors in Tasmania. This site has been established to help connect jobseekers with employers in the tourism and hospitality sectors.

Marketing Support

Sports, special interest and major event support

Contact us for more information.

Community and Industry – renee@visitnorthtas.org.au | Images and Marketing - fiona@visitnorthtas.org.au | Sport, Special Interest and Major Events - lisa@visitnorthtas.org.au

News from the North - Past Newsletters