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Billy Can

A fair dinkum Aussie pantomime for the whole family!

Described as Peter Pan with an Aussie twist, Billy Can is a son of the outback who lives for the outback sun. He takes two kids, Janelle and Dani, for a billy cart ride to his home among the coolabahs and that’s when the fun begins.

Two roughneck bushrangers Ruff Tuff Kitty and Burko Wills (disguised as Dame Nellie Brucilla and Terry Towelling) team up with the infamous pirate of the outback billabongs, Captain Lead Belly, to steal opals and gold from a crusty old miner, Digger.

Can Billy save the day?

Also keep a lookout for the scary bunyowcrocosaurus that goes click, click, click.

The show has a range of toe-tapping, hand clapping sing-along tunes with heaps of audience participation and fun for everyone. Billy is so ocker you can smell the eucalyptus running through his veins ‘ey?

Join us for the Tasmanian Premiere and 20th Anniversary production of Billy Can.