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Surrounds expressed through string

A quick chat with Emily Sanzaro

Harpist Emily Sanzaro is a regular on festival programs such as Mona Foma, Dark Mofo and Junction and teams up regularly with Tasdance. She's recorded with electronic act Holy Holy and performs for patients in palliative care. Her versatility is obvious and so is her infectious passion for sharing positivity through music.

Following the release of her new solo album, we asked Emily a bit about her home town, a place she's fiercely proud of and draws much inspiration from - especially when out in the wilds with her harp slung over her shoulder.

How long have you lived in Launnie and what do you love most about it?
I was born in Launnie, then lived in various places around Australia to study and work (I trained as an Occupational Therapist in Adelaide, then worked in Queensland and Victoria). I was so happy to return to Tassie in 2007. I always knew that Tassie was the best place to live, but spending time elsewhere really highlighted that for me. I love the pace of life here, the access to nature so close to home, the creative community and the climate. I never want to move!

What do you tell your visiting friends and fam to do when they're here?

When we have friends or family visiting, I love spending time making a list of places for them to visit in line with the sort of things they are interested in. A visit to the Gorge, Tamar Island Wetlands, QVMAG and Sweetbrew are always on my list!

Does this place inform/influence your creativity and how?
I am hugely influenced by place in my creativity. The landscape is a great source of inspiration to me. I love mountains so spend a fair bit of time around the Western Tiers and Mount Barrow. I love our forests and our cloudscapes. I feel at peace when immersed in the landscape and it awakens and inspires my creativity.

I feel at peace when immersed in the landscape and it awakens and inspires my creativity.

Does it surprise you or others that as a professional, in-demand musician, you are based in a regional city?
It does always surprise me that I have been at my busiest ever as a professional musician during these strange covid times. I have found that being in this small regional city and small state actually brings great creative opportunity. There is a thirst for creativity and a wish from elements of this community to support the arts which is invaluable.

Find out more about Emily here. Photo courtesy of Emily by Melanie Kate Photography.